Within the park there's a small community orchard established in memory of a local greengrocer. Anyone can help themselves to apples and plums. I think this is a great idea - all town parks should have one. Far better than cultivated shruberies.
One of the few plantings in the park is a wildflower meadow. Most of the wildflowers are coming to an end but there's still lots of this purple flower whose name I don't know.
A solitary apple in the commemerative orchard. This was established in memory of a local greengrocer.
I liked the architectural quality of these seed heads which, I think, are hogweed, with the willowherb flowers in the background. The spider's web linking the heads was a bonus.
October should be the time for the autumn leaves but this guy decided to get going early.
By September, the sun is low enough to pick out individual clumps of grass in the park. I like this kind of simple photograph.