January has continued the not-really-winter weather - a few days of frost but mostly mild and cloudy with relatively little rain. Not the best weather for photography - I still haven’t managed to get any photos of the park in mist and fog, nor has there been any snow. 
There are still even a few remnants of autumn left but I’m done with pictures of berries.
I've had very little success in my attempts to take photos (or even to see) the wildlife in the park but I managed to get this shot of a blackbird on a frosty morning. I'm no wildlife photographer (you can tell) but I thought this captured 'mundane wildlife' quite well.
I've had very little success in my attempts to take photos (or even to see) the wildlife in the park but I managed to get this shot of a blackbird on a frosty morning. I'm no wildlife photographer (you can tell) but I thought this captured 'mundane wildlife' quite well.
Frosted leaves the same morning before the sun hit them. I liked the subtle colours in this picture.
Frosted leaves the same morning before the sun hit them. I liked the subtle colours in this picture.
It's good to see signs of spring. Hazel flowers are amongst the first tree flowers to emerge and, by mid-January, all of the hazels in the park were covered with these yellow catkins.
It's good to see signs of spring. Hazel flowers are amongst the first tree flowers to emerge and, by mid-January, all of the hazels in the park were covered with these yellow catkins.
We had a fine spell of weather for a few days and I took this picture as the sun set, the day after the moon picture. My aim was to make as simple an image as possible. Sadly, there are no completely isolated trees in the park that can be an effective foreground so I made the best of the tops of the trees against the distant Pentlands.
We had a fine spell of weather for a few days and I took this picture as the sun set, the day after the moon picture. My aim was to make as simple an image as possible. Sadly, there are no completely isolated trees in the park that can be an effective foreground so I made the best of the tops of the trees against the distant Pentlands.
I'm not sure if this counts as a picture of the park but it certainly is a picture taken in the park.  I liked the image of the winter moon, taken at dusk on a January afternoon.
I'm not sure if this counts as a picture of the park but it certainly is a picture taken in the park. I liked the image of the winter moon, taken at dusk on a January afternoon.
Dogs as a permanent feature of the park as dozens of dog walkers take their dogs out there every day. I've tried and failed to get an interesting picture of dog walker+dog but I was please by this capture of the dogs running around for sheer joy.
Dogs as a permanent feature of the park as dozens of dog walkers take their dogs out there every day. I've tried and failed to get an interesting picture of dog walker+dog but I was please by this capture of the dogs running around for sheer joy.

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